Amy @amyleighlee is a long time hairstylist & the owner of brick & mortar business @oldstownsquare . Amy became a hairstylist long before social media & always found it intimidating. After starting Olds Town Square & being pushed to put focus on it, she has found a keen interest in figuring it out & enjoys seeing post translate into sales.
Patti (IG: @pkempsimoneau) is the former Marketing & Communications Coordinator at Everything Olds. She is exploring new opportunities including ‘sharing the love’ she felt in her time from Everything Olds to all of Central Alberta through her new IG & FB profile, @everythingcentral, where she invites you to “Find Your Center.”
June 16: Facebook Lives, Instagram Reels & Stories
Start times for these Zoom Cafés is 7 pm.
Members attend for Free (email for links).
Non-Members: $20
Non-Members Special! Register for Zoom Café in March, April and May… and receive June’s session FREE!!